Reloading & Refreshing Data

The important point to remember with reloading is that data is reloaded from the original source - for example, if an AutoCad® is imported using the Data Source Drivers, and a .dm file is created, the link between the Datamine file and the original source is maintained. In this situation, when data is reloaded, the Datamine file will be reloaded into your application in whichever state it was last left when last refreshed, hence, if the original source data file (AutoCad) has changed, these changes will not be reflected in the associated Datamine file.

Refreshing data is slightly different; when data is refreshed, the original data source is accessed (the non-Datamine file). Then, the associated .dm file is updated in line with the original source using the Data Source Drivers, and then loaded into your application. This process ensures that the data viewed is synonymous with the non-Datamine format file.

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